

Do I really need to detox?

Myth: You need to detox regularly Finding the truth on the interest about this, what might seem like, simple topic is like finding a needle in a haystack… Near impossible. But lucky for you, I am going to break it down and tell all. So let’s…

This week I cheated on meal prep….

Yep, this week this I said no to meal prep - something I do every single week!! I was going back to work after my tonsillectomy (ouch!!). And I just didn't have it in me. I have still had the really low energy this week, the surgery really…

Meal prep with me…

  ‘Fail to prepare and prepare to fail’ – we see that quote floating around Instagram a lot. But unlike a lot of things I see on Instagram these days, this is one I wholeheartedly stand by. Every week my sister and I write out…


Thailand, what can I say, it was amazing. The streets dead quiet in the morning came bustling to life at night. It was a strange phenomenon to us. We are used to getting up at 4.30am for the gym, rushing to work and then home for a quiet…

How NOT to stick to your Diet

Yes you read that right…it was no mistake. This is all about not staying on track. Why? Because in order to stay on track there must be a track, a path, a set of rules that must be followed to stay healthy. If you take one wrong step, eat…

Eat Seasonally on a Budget

The most common excuse I hear as a nutritionist, is that it is too expensive to eat healthy... Trust me I get it, life can be expensive! The past six years, I have lived out of home - 5.5 of which I was a poort uni student. I was lucky…