One diet fits all
Myth: One diet fits all
‘One size fits all’ – I used to see this all the time on clothes, well I call bullshit. Your one size fits all approach to clothes is discriminatory and out right silly. What fits my friend who 5’4’ is not…
Alcohol Can’t be part of a healthy lifestyle
Myth: Alcohol can't be a part of a healthy lifestyle
Following on from last week’s #mythbustermonday talking all things restriction, over indulgence and moderation I thought I should dive a little deeper into one particular, possibly more…
Keto.. Is it Right for you?
Myth: The Keto diet works for everyone
The Keto diet has fast taken the place of the Paleo Diet. It seems that everyone that was doing paleo has now jumped onto the keto bandwagon. But is this for a good reason?
Does Skinny = Healthy
Myth: Skinny = Healthy
Over the last 5 or 6 years I have seen countless people, both in person and on social media stigmatise overweight people. Then complain themselves that they need to lose weight.
Let’s just start with this: We are…