Creamy Chocolate Milk (Banana and Dairy Free
Creamy Chocolate Milk (Banana and Dairy Free!)
1 cup Cauli flower (frozen)1.5 Tbsp Cacao powder1.5 Tbsp Flaxseed (ground)3 Tbsp Coconut yoghurt3 Medjool dates1 cup coconut milk1/2 cup iceOptional extras: 2 tsp hemp…
Savoury Buckwheat Crackers
Buckwheat Savoury Crackers
Gluten free crackers that are perfect for your weekend cheese platter, or for the kids lunchbox during the week!
2 cups Buckwheat flour1.5 Tbsp Flaxseed meal1/3 cup Sesame seeds2 tsp Rosemary1 tsp…
Green Eggs and Ham