

Iron rich food sources

Iron: Everything you need to increase your kids iron intake

Iron is arguably one of the most important nutrients for kids.  So why is iron so important? Well iron responsible for the transport of oxygen around the body (it binds it to the red blood cells) - aka a very vital role for our survival. With…
Creamy Pesto Pasta

Is pulse pasta worth the hype?

Pasta is one of those foods that just about everyone loves – especially children. Am I right?   Pasta can be consumed as part of a healthy diet despite what the celebs/ influencers may tell you. And, fun fact, you wont gain extra weight…
5 phrases to stop using this new year

Addition vs Restriction

Yes, your child might be fussy and pull faces when you put a bowl of oats in front of them, but have you tried making banana muffins and adding oats in?   Diet culture has forced many families into believing that restricting their…

Why NO foods should be off limits…

You know that little black dress you’ve been eyeing off for weeks? You will probably buy it. You will prance around the house giving the kids and the hubby a fashion parade. You will wear it every time you leave the house for the next month,…

The scoop on sodium 

This week at Shelley’s Good Eats we are bringing you the scoop on sodium! During this post, we endeavour to cover all the common questions and misconceptions surrounding this nutrient, as well as some practical tips for you and your family.  What…
Sources of calcium: Milk, Yoghurt and Almonds

Your Kids and Calcium 

This week at Shelley’s Good Eats we are talking about all things calcium...and specifically why this little nutrient might deserve your attention when it comes to feeding your kids. We’ll also be discussing the important role calcium plays…