


How to react to families rude food comments!

Whether a family member comments on the amount your kids eat, what they eat or how they eat it can really grate on your nerves - and rightly so! You are the parent and as such get to decide how and what your child eats. So when your mother,…

Navigating Festive Food This Holiday Season

  When we think holidays we often get drawn to 'unhealthier foods', high sugar foods and snacks, festive baking - you name it! Holidays can be a difficult time and one where we often see diet culture rear its ugly head. Making us think…
Creamy Pesto Pasta

Is pulse pasta worth the hype?

Pasta is one of those foods that just about everyone loves – especially children. Am I right?   Pasta can be consumed as part of a healthy diet despite what the celebs/ influencers may tell you. And, fun fact, you wont gain extra weight…

Does zinc really ‘boost’ your immune system?

Zinc is a mineral essential to childhood growth and development and helps build a strong immunity. Zinc deficiencies commonly affect hair, skin and nails but can also affect a child's cognitive functioning and growth.    Zinc will…
Kids in the kitchen

Why kids belong in the kitchen…

You have heard it all before cook with your kids, its great for their development, it helps them eat better. BUT why? Why is it so good? Well I am digging a little deeper into the research to show you exactly why your kids belong in the kitchen!…

5 Lunch box snacks you need to start packing!

School is well underway. We are either entering week 2 or week 3 (who are the lucky ones? Ha!). And you already you are sick of the lunchbox coming home full, you're at a loss of what to feed your kids? What snacks to feed them? And concerned…
Sugar in your tea

Sugar: Is it really all the same?

If you have read anything online in the past 4 years you will probably believe that sugar is evil and honey, maple syrup, rice malt syrup and dates are the god send. They are the healthy alternative. Look I don’t blame you for believing this.…

Food Combining… Is it all its cracked up to be?

Myth: You need to follow food combining principles for optimal digestion   Fad diets are everywhere, I don’t need to tell you that again. But is food combining a fad diet? Or is there some truth to the rumours.   Advocates for…

Healthy Food on a budget!

Myth: Healthy Foods are expensive   Yes, I agree. ‘Healthy’ food is expensive. Or more specifically fad dieting super foods that are cleverly marketed are expensive.   But those foods are not what you really need. They make…

Eat as much as you want if its healthy…

Myth: You can eat as much as you want, as long as it's healthy Bliss balls are healthy right? Yes. But so is CHEESE, so is WATERMELON, and so is WATER. But too much of any of these can be dangerous. Yes, even too much water can be incredibly…
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