
Entries by Shelley

The Essential Role of Iron When Introducing Solids to Your Baby

As a parent, one of the most exciting and memorable milestones is introducing solid foods to your little one. However, beyond the joy of watching your baby explore new tastes and textures, there is a critical aspect that requires attention: the role of iron in their diet. It plays a pivotal role in your baby’s […]

An Open Letter to my Son…

Dear Oliver, I am writing this letter to you as you curl up on my chest at just 3 months old. I feel so called to write this letter to you as I help you navigate your way through this world. You are growing up in a world that will pick on you for your […]

How I prepared for postpartum!

PostPartum, where do I begin. I am writing this at nearly 2 months postpartum and what a ride it has been. I can’t speak for anyone else’s journey, so instead I will speak of mine.   I pre-empt this with – I do not want sympathy. I am sharing my true journey because I am […]

Top Tips for busy parents

We all know how life can get super busy and sometimes the last thing you want to think about is getting food on the table. Not long ago we asked you to complete a questionnaire, it was designed to learn more about you, and what you do to make your mealtimes just that little bit […]

Creating Happy Mealtimes

Are you dreaming of the day where mealtimes are harmonious, enjoyable, and fun? Does the thought of dinnertime send you running and hiding for cover? Some mealtimes can be a real struggle with children not wanting to sit, refusing their food, tears, and tantrums, and throwing their food across the table – does this sound […]

Increasing Exposures by playing with ‘real’ food

  You may have once been a proud parent of a child who ate anything and everything. But without warning they stop eating the foods they once loved – and before you know it you have a picky eater. This is where food engagement comes in! It is common for children between the ages of […]

Iron: Everything you need to increase your kids iron intake

Iron is arguably one of the most important nutrients for kids.  So why is iron so important? Well iron responsible for the transport of oxygen around the body (it binds it to the red blood cells) – aka a very vital role for our survival. With kids growing bodies and fast development they need to […]

Why you need a mealtime schedule?

Mealtime Schedules or routines might seem scary – like you are going to be tied to a set schedule every single day and can’t change anything around if you don’t want your child to refuse that food on your plate. BUT they are much more flexible than the name suggests.   Just like a bed […]

3 ways to foster your child’s relationship with food

With all the diet culture around us it is important to check in with our own and our kids relationship with food. But what does a healthy relationship with food actually mean?   There are so many different definitions of a healthy relationship with food but this is one of my favourites: “To have a healthy […]

5 phrases you need to STOP using in the New Year

The way we talk about food in front on kids and the way we act around food around kids can have a huge impact on the development of their relationship with food – they learn through modelling behaviour.   So before you set your new year resolutions and before we are all made to feel […]

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